ONENET™ CAD provides a fully functional CAD interface as part of its core product at no additional cost.
To support different Dispatcher data entry preferences, ONENET™ CAD provides both a text-based Command Line Interface as well as a
menu-driven interface.
ONENET™ CAD Includes:
Alerts by location
Chat (dispatch/mobile)
Command line (Configurable)
Integrated mapping
Interfaces to AVL, E911, Mobile, etc…
Previous call history
Resource Recommendations
Stacked calls
Standard operating procedures
ONENET™ Mobile runs on any display with sufficient resolution and internet access providing complete Mobile access as part of the core product.
As a browser-based application ONENET™ Mobile makes the most of an agency’s current (and planned) technology investment by enabling each agency to mix and match between MDTs and newer devices such as tablets.
ONENET™ Mobile includes:
AVL Integration
Chat (dispatch/mobile)
Command line (Configurable)
Full Call for Service information including alerts and previous calls
Integrated Mapping
Self Dispatch
Smart status buttons (configurable)
Traffic stop entry screen
Quick & Easy software updates
ONENET™ MAP provides bidirectional functionality with OneNet™ CAD
ONENET™ MAP supports multiple mapping platforms and technologies including: ESRI, Leaflet, OpenStreetMap, etc.
ONENET™ MAP Includes:
Address search
AVL Integration
Call for service information
Customer layer support
Drag & Drop dispatch
Icon-based status changes
Integrated map tool bar
Resource Status display